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How to play WordFun!

Playing WordFun is simple and fun! Complete your gameboard for a shot at grand prizes, and don’t miss out on the in-app scratch game for instant rewards. Just follow the steps below to get started!

November 01, 2024 – January 11, 2025

How to play WordFun for the grand prizes:

  • Shop & Save at the participating WordFun partners.
  • Collect WordFun game cards with letter tiles.
  • Ask for the free gameboard at participating partners. All gameboards are valid to hand in for the main prizes. There are multiple gameboard designs:
    • Fun Miles gameboard
    • Van den Tweel gameboard
    • Kooyman gameboard
  • Create 7 words on the gameboard using the WordFun letter tiles.
  • You must create 3 partner words with their corresponding branded letter: KOOYMANVANDENTWEELMCBENNIA - FUNMILES
    (e.g., KOOYMAN should start with the green K).
  • Choose 4 other words from the WordFun Dictionary.
  • Blank tiles cannot be used or placed on the gameboard. These tiles do not represent any letter and should be set aside.
  • Place your letter tiles horizontally or vertically on the gameboard.
  • It is not allowed to use the same word more than once on the gameboard. Each word must be unique to qualify.
  • Don’t forget to fill in your Fun Miles card number and ensure your account is registered.
  • Deposit your board(s) in the raffle bins at one of the participating WordFun partners.

Rules & Regulations Gameboard:

  • You must be an active registered Fun Miles cardholder. Prizes require a valid Fun Miles card. Bonaire grand prize winners need to be registered Fun Miles cardholders and residents of Bonaire.
  • The contact information linked to the registered Fun Miles card must be valid and up-to-date.
  • To be eligible for the Gameboard prizes, you must have completed a valid transaction at one of our participating partners during the campaign period.
  • Write your 12-digit Fun Miles card number on the gameboard to be eligible to win and follow the Fun Miles WordFun rules as described above.
  • Deposit your completed gameboard in the raffle bin at one of the participating WordFun partners by January 11, 2025.
  • Gamecards, gameboards, and vouchers are specific to each island and cannot be used on other islands.
  • The person registered to the winning Fun Miles card number will receive the grand prize.
  • The grand prize car is a promo model with some mileage and is branded with logos that must remain for at least one year.
  • WordFun gamecards and gameboards are available at participating partners while supplies last.
  • Partners may not give out WordFun cards with other promotions or discounts.
  • Prizes are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • Fun Miles employees, their families, and advertising agencies are not eligible to participate.
  • Fun Miles, its partners, and agencies are not responsible for printing or typographical errors.
  • The campaign is valid until January 11, 2025.

How to play the app-exclusive Scratch Game:

  • Download the Fun Miles app and make sure your card is registered.
  • Shop & Save at the participating WordFun
  • Receive automatic plays in your Fun Miles app.
  • Open the Fun Miles app and click on the Scratch Game banner to start the game.
  • With each play you need to scratch one of the four boxes for a chance to win great prizes!
  • If you’re a winner, your will receive a voucher in your Fun Miles app.
  • Use your voucher to collect your prize at the corresponding partner.


Game rules & regulations app-exclusive Scratch Game: 

  • Scratch game winners need to be an active registered Fun Miles cardholder. Collecting any of the prizes requires you to show a valid Fun Miles card. Bonaire prize winners need to be registered Fun Miles cardholders and residents of Bonaire.
  • The contact information linked to the registered Fun Miles card has to be valid and up to date. 
  • Prizes and vouchers obtained in the game are only valid on the island where they were issue For example: a prize from Kooyman Bonaire can only be redeemed from Kooyman Bonaire.
  • To participate in the game, you must download the Fun Miles app.
  • Plays are automatically added to your account.
  • Vouchers can be viewed in the vouchers tab in your Fun Miles app.
  • Prizes and vouchers cannot be exchanged for other vouchers or other goods, cash or services.
  • Vouchers are personal and cannot be transferred to other Fun Miles accounts.
  • Fun Miles is not responsible for vouchers redeemed by duplicate cards.
  • Vouchers have an expiration date, so make sure to use them before they expire. Please check your vouchers for the expiration 
  • Please report any errors through our WhatsApp number.


Kon pa partisipa na WordFun!

E wega ta fásil i dibertido! Yena e bòrchi di wega ku un chèns di gana un di e premionan grandi i hunga e wega di raspa eksklusivo den/via e app di Fun Miles pa hopi premio èkstra.

November 01, 2024 – January 11, 2025

Kon pa hunga WordFun pa e premionan grandi:

  • Hasi kompra i spar punto na e partnernan/ kompanianan partisipante di WordFun.
  • Kolektá karchinan di wega di WordFun ku nan lèter.
  • Tuma un bòrchi di wega grátis serka partnernan partisipante. E bòrchinan di wega tin difirente kolor i diseño, un di Fun Miles, unu di Van den Tweel, i otro di Kooyman. Tur e bòrchinan di wega tin mes un balides pa premionan grandi.
  • Pa partisipa tin ku forma 7 palabra riba e bòrchi di wega usando e lèternan di WordFun.
  • Den e 7 palabra forma mester tin 3 ‘nomber di partner’ ku nan lèter di marka korespondiente: KOOYMANVANDENTWEELMCBKOMPALEONENNIA
    (Por ehèmpel: KOOYMAN mester kuminsá ku e K bèrdè).
  • Mester skohe 4 otro palabra for di e dikshonario di WordFun.
  • Blòki blanku no por wòrdu usa riba e bòrchi di wega. E blòki nan no ta representá ningun lèter i no por wòrdu usa komo un joker. 
  • Pone e lèter horizontal òf vertikal riba e bòrchi di wega. Palabra mester konekta ku otro. No mag di plak palabra diagonal.
  • No ta permití usá mesun palabra dos biaha riba e bòrchi di wega. Kada palabra mester ta úniko pa por kualifiká.
  • No lubidá di yena e number di bo karchi di Fun Miles i konfirmá ku bo kuenta ta registrá.
  • Depositá e bòrchi(nan) den e buzon serka un di e partnernan partisipante di WordFun.


Reglanan di Wega & Reglamentu di e bòrchi di wega:

  • Bo mester tin un karchi di Fun Miles ku ta registrá i aktivo. Pa reklamá un di e premionan ta rekerí e karchi di Fun Miles bálido y un ID. Ganadónan di e premionan grandi na Bonairu mester ta esun ku e karchi ta registra bou di su nomber. bálido, aktualisá i residensia na Bonairu.
  • Pa por kualifiká pa premio di bòrchi di wega, bo mester a kompletá un transakshon válido serka un di nos partnernan partisipante durante di e periodo di kampaña.
  • Skirbi e 12 sifra di bo karchi di Fun Miles riba e bòrchi di wega di WordFun pa por gana un di e premionan grandi, i sigui e reglanan di Fun Miles WordFun manera ta deskribí den e sekshon ‘Kon pa hunga’ mas ariba. Van den Tweel i Kooyman tin nan propio vershon di e bòrchi di wega, esakinan tambe ta bálido.
  • Pa gana un di e premionan grandi, depositá e bòrchi di wega di WordFun kompletá den buzon na un di e partnernan partisipante di WordFun te ku 11 di yanüari 2025.
  • Karchinan y bòrchi di wega di WordFun di Bonairu, NO por wòrdu usá na otro isla. Kada isla tin nan propio karchi i bòrchi di wega i “kupònnan” di WordFun.
  • Si no skibi e number di FM korekto e nòmber ku ta registrá na Funmiles lo risibí e premio grandi.
  • E premio grandi, e outo, ta un modèl di promoshon i outomátikamente lo tin algun kilometer kore.
  • E premio grandi ta 1 outo, lo tin algun logo kual ganador mester mantené nan riba e outo pa mínimo 1 aña. Fun Miles i ganador ta firma un akuerdo pa e promoshon valido pa 1 aña.
  • Karchinan i bòrchi di wega di WordFun ta optenibel serka tur partner partisipante tanten ku tin den stòk. Partnernan partisipante ta reservá e derecho di no duna karchinan di WordFun den kombinashon ku otro promoshon- òf deskuentonan ku nan por ta ofresé.
  • Premionan no por wòrdu kambiá pa sèn kèsh serka partnernan partisipante.
  • Empleadonan di Fun Miles, nan mayornan, suegronan, yunan, i e agensianan di merkadeo i promoshon responsabel p’e kampaña i promo team no ta eligibel pa partisipá.
  • Fun Miles, su partnernan i agensianan ku a kolaborá no ta responsabel pa ningun eror di imprenta òf eror tipográfiko.
  • E kampaña ta bálido te ku 11 di yanüari 2025.


Kon pa hunga e wega di ‘raspa’ unikamente den e App:

  • Download e app di Fun Miles i sigurá ku bo karchi di Fun Miles ta registrá.
  • Hasi kompra i spar na e partnernan partisipante di WordFun.
  • Risibí chèns pa hunga play outomátiko den bo app di Fun Miles.
  • Habri e app di Fun Miles i klik riba e ‘banner’ di ‘Scratch Game’ pa kuminsá e wega.
  • Ora e Scratch Game habri mester raspa ku bo dede un di e blokinan ku un chèns digana premionan atraktivo! 
  • Si bo ta un ganadó, lo bo risibí un voucher mesora di Fun Miles den e app.
  • Usa bo voucher pa buska bo premio na e partner korespondiente


Reglanan di Wega & Reglamentu di e ‘Wega di Raspa’ eksklusivo den e app di Fun Miles:

  • Ganadónan di e ‘Wega di Raspa’ mester ta un miembro registrá di Fun Miles
  • Bo mester tin un e-mail, number di telefòn i adrès bálido pa por partisipá na e ‘Wega di Raspa’.
  • Premionan i kupònnan optené den e wega ta bálido solamente riba e isla kaminda nan a wòrdu emití. Por ehèmpel: un premio di Kooyman Bonairu por wòrdu risibí únikamente serka Kooyman Bonairu.
  • Pa partisipá na e wega, bo mester ‘download’ e app di Fun Miles.
  • Weganan ta wòrdu agregá outomátikamente na bo kuenta.
  • Por wak e voucherora primi ‘voucher’ den bo app di Fun Miles.
  • No por kambia premio i voucher pa otro voucher òf otro merkansia, plaka kèsh òf servisio.
  • Voucher ta personal i no por wòrdu transferí pa otro kuentanan di Fun Miles.
  • Fun Miles no ta responsabel pa e voucher ku ta wòrdu kambiá dor di karchi nan dupliká.
  • Voucher tin un fecha di vensementu, pues sòru pa usa nan promé ku nan vense. Por fabor kontrolá bo kupònnan pa e fecha di vensementu.
  • Por fabor raportá kualke eror na nos number di WhatsApp.
WordFun Online Bonus Game
Word of the Week
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Bonus Game
Word of the Week
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to be able to reach you if you`ve won,
please confirm your information:
Enter the code from Fun Quarters scratch card:
Checking your code...


Congrats! You have scored and won:

You will receive an e-mail on how to
claim your prize.

If you do not see the email shortly,
check your “junk mail” or “spam” folder.

The bonus points have already been added to your account!

If you have another code, play again!

Nice try!

No worries. If you have another code,
enter it and give it another shot!


Score Stats

Kooyman Tool Fest Bonus Game
Tool Fest 2022
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Check info
Please take a moment to verify your personal
details, before playing the game.
Enter your Fun Domino code below to spin the wheel for a chance to win FUN-tastic prizes!
Please double check and make sure
you’ve entered the correct code.
Need help chat with us now WhatsApp
Checking your code...


You've spun the wheel and won!

50% discount on 1 gallon paint of Global Paing or Kooyman Paint

To claim your prize, we will send you an email
shortly with detailed instructions.
Keep an eye on your inbox!

The bonus points have already been added to your account!


Unfortunately, you didn`t win this time.

Keep trying and good luck on
your next spin!

Don`t give up! If you have another code, you
can spin again for another chance to win.


Spin Stats

Verify info
Check info
Please take a moment to verify your personal
details, before playing the game.
Enter your Easter Game code below to spin the wheel for a chance to win FUN-tastic prizes!
Please double check and make sure
you’ve entered the correct code.
Need help chat with us now WhatsApp
Checking your code...


You've spun the wheel and won!

50% discount on 1 gallon paint of Global Paing or Kooyman Paint

To claim your prize, we will send you an email
shortly with detailed instructions.
Keep an eye on your inbox!

The bonus points have already been added to your account!


Unfortunately, you didn`t win this time.

Keep trying and good luck on
your next spin!

Don`t give up! If you have another code, you
can spin again for another chance to win.


Easter Stats
